Guide Chapters

CHAPTER 1: Making the Case for Partnership 
There are multiple opportunities to align common goals and values that exist between the victim services and workforce development fields in order to foster partnerships.

CHAPTER 2: Identifying a Local Workforce Development Program Partner 
This chapter is developed in partnership with the Income and Benefits Policy Center at the Urban Institute defines and explores the components and resources of the workforce development system.

CHAPTER 3: Vetting Programs and Understanding Expectations
Developed in partnership with the  Income and Benefits Policy Center at the Urban Institute, this chapter provides considerations for finding a workforce partner that is best positioned to provide supportive services to survivors.

CHAPTER 4: Building Blocks for Survivor Success
Developed in partnership with the Income and Benefits Policy Center at the Urban Institute, this chapter explores various components of supported employment and wraparound services needed to successfully enroll in a workforce or education program.

CHAPTER 5:  Key Elements of Successful Collaborations 
This chapter examines shared values and necessary elements in creating and maintaining strong and successful collaborations, as explored in FUTURES’ Building Collaborative Responses to Human Trafficking Project.

CHAPTER 6: Creating Economic Opportunity through Partnerships
This chapter will discuss key considerations in identifying potential partners from small businesses to training programs.

CHAPTER 7: Resources for Funding Your Collaborations
his chapter highlights different funding sources to consider to make the partnership sustainable as a long-term solution, and discusses opportunities available from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and private foundations.

Urban Institute Glossary of Terms

Case Studies